Never put off till tomorrow...

There is one absolutely valid saying concerning the improvement of relations with your employees: "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today".

Whether it is your New Year's resolution to have better relations with your people or you work on it regularly, take some inspiration from the practical tips summed up on

  1. Offer non-financial benefits according to the preferences of your people.

  2. Reduce e-mails.

  3. Avoid calling unscheduled meetings.

  4. Support corporate program for reimbursing further education of employees.

  5. Work with your staff on setting their goals for career development.

  6. Give your people space to express their opinions and really listen to them.

  7. Share the company vision and show your people how they are part of it.

  8. Show your people that you are really interested in them.

  9. Express appreciation for a job well done.

  10. Help your people to a better work-life balance.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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