Want to be a better leader? Focus on your strengths

Each leader has a unique set of strengths that make him able to get the best from both himself and others. An article on fastcompany.com brought five tips on how to discover your own strengths and apply them in your professional and personal life.

1. Do not try to be like others

Instead, focus on people who inspire you and make you jealous or even intimidated. Connect with those you can compete with so that you can learn form each other.

2. Focus on your strengths, not weaknesses

First of all, discover your strengths. Personality tests or coach sessions can help you. Then focus on developing these strenghts.

3. Remove your weaknesses with the help from others

Working with people who trust you, can push you far. Help each other.

4. Take failure as a motivation

No one can succeed in everything. This does,  however, not mean that we should be afraid to take risks. If you experience failure, face it, learn from it and move on.

5. Co-lead and co-create

Innovation requires flexible work teams that can work together - co-lead and co-create.


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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