Numbers are not enough for CFOs

Expertise and experience are not enough for CFOs who want to be real strategic partners to their companies. They also need strong communication skills to show the board and other departments the stories behind the numbers. It means to delegate more accounting responsibilities to subordinates and spend more time communicating with people outside the finance department. advises how to do it.

Look for common interests

Ask about the goals and projects of people affected by your financial strategy. Inquire what drives them forward and what interests you have in common. Posiible  savings always seek together.

Teach finance

Tailor your language and behavior to people who do not work in finance. Try to present the financial affairs in an accessible and convincing form. Arrange, for example, an informal meeting over lunch before you enter the department with a formal presentation.

Tell stories

Describe financial management issues using specific examples from real life that your audience can imagine.

Do not bring excessive details

When preparing a presentation, do not create more than 6 slides. Limit only to basic topics and use pictures rather than more words.

Let others help you

To improve your presentation and communication skills, seek help from all available resources including people. Ask for their problems and suggestions in advance.


Article source - US website for financial managers
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