Dysfunctional team? Start by replacing players

You have just started to lead a new team and immediately after the first analysis you can see specific performance problems. How to handle it? First of all, get rid of the underperforming individuals. You will make a great service by to other team members who will start to approach their work with more energy and lightness. Then, fill their places with workers with a more positive attitude to work, sufficient knowledge and skills not to demotivate others.

Further advice on how to deal with a dysfunctional team was published on Forbes.com.

  • Formulate your vision of teamwork in a next period and define specific steps on how to achieve it.

  • Follow the progress of your team and show how it moves towards the objectives.

  • Agree on clear rules for holding meetings and participating in them.

  • Schedule regular personal meetings with individual team members at least once a month.

  • Instead of big meetings for all hold more smaller meetings for only the relevant team members.

  • Conduct regular performance evaluations and talk with your people about their development needs.

  • Require accountability from all team members.

  • Measure the progress of the team at least on annual basis.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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