Why your sales reps hate team meetings?


Regular meetings are fundamental pillars of a productive sales team development. It does not,  however, mean that a meeting must be held every week and all participants must consider it as a loss of their precious time and peace of mind.

Salespeople usually hate the weekly meetings because they are held only because it is another Monday or Friday - the day when a meeting must take place despite the fact that there is no relevant reason to meet. Once the meeting is held, nobody is often prepared for it. That leads to the fact that the team manager starts to solve issues that are unimportant or negative just because something must be solved.

What should you - a sales team manager - do to make your meetings meaningful?  Salesopedia.com advises:

Do not call team meeting without reason

It is enough to call the meeting a month or every 2 weeks or simply whenever you really need to meet.

Do not call team meeting without preparation

The leader of the meeting should always have enough time to prepare properly. It makes no sense to lose the time of others just because one person did not manage to prepare his own work.

Do not handle individual problems

The team meeting is a group activity, not an opportunity to criticise or coach specific individuals. If you want to coach individuals, let the others go away.

Follow the time schedule

The team meeting should not last longer than one hour. If necessary, it may be longer, but it is always necessary to clearly specify the beginning and the end and stick to the schedule.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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