How to train your brain to positive mind-set


Many studies have shown that positive thinking influences performance - it improves productivity, creativity and overall rate of engagement. Most people, however, think that a prerequisite for happiness is a success that must precede. For example. "When I get promoted, I will be happy." Success is a moving target though - when you reach it, a new one will always appear. In fact, the relationship between success and satisfaction is opposite: Those of positive mind-set cope with everyday challenges and tasks more easily.

The feeling of happiness and satisfaction is to some extent influenced by genetics and environment in which we live. The key, however, is our habits, which can be managed and influenced to a great extent.

How to develop new habits

It works the same way like training in the gym. One short exercises to strengthen the positiveness per day. Three times a week is enough. You or your employees, can try one of the following exercises:

  1. Write three things for which you are grateful.
  2. Send a positive message to someone within you social network. 
  3. Meditate right at your desk for 2 minutes.
  4. Exercise for 10 minutes. 
  5. Write in a journal the most meaningful experience of the last 24 hours. 

This exercise was tried with KPMG tax managers. They could choose one of them and perform it 3 times a week. A few days after the training, they were tested for their feelings, compared with a control group. In all scales they scored better than those who did not take such exercise. The tax managers were retested about 4 months later. Overall feelings of life satisfaction and optimism were even after all this time higher than in the period before the training: One short exercise daily kept the managers happy even months after the program ended.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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