What is limiting your career?


One can make both good and bad mistakes in his career. Good are the ones that bring us some lessons and are not repeated. They do not limit our career. Then, there are the bad mistakes that prevent us from using our full potential and therefore limit our careers. Those should be avoided. What are they? Ten career-limiting mistakes were published by CBS News.

  1. You are staying in an unsuccessful company.

  2. You are afraid to ask difficult questions.

  3. You treat the development of your career passively.

  4. You believe that your employer will take care of your career.

  5. You think that you deserve more but do nothing for it.

  6. You are not able to take greater risks.

  7. You prefer yourself to the company in your work.

  8. You think that career is not about money.

  9. You let your boss to limit you.

  10. You are too impatient. Career is a long process.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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