How to make better decisions

Good manager must be able to decide which also means to be able to take risks and overcome his own fear. It is necessary to find a middle path between too hasty and too prolonged decisions. advises how to do it.

Clarify priorities

To get started, think about five areas that have the greatest influence on your decision. It may be short-term financial impact, long-term financial impact, impact on people etc. Write down the pros and cons of each of these areas and then stop to consider the least important factors.

Ask smarter questions

You will often have little information, so you need to improve your ability to ask questions. Lead your team to a creative decision-making process. Ask difficult questions and consider  possible solutions together.

Determine a deadline

Even if nobody dictates you to decide in a certain time frame, set your own deadline. Tell your team about it and ideally share it also with a close friend or mentor to stay motivated to comply with the deadline.

Appoint a "devil's advocate"

Entrust someone from your team with holding the opposite view to you and bring counter-arguments. You will see how it will help you find the right solution.

Try a view from outside

Ask a trustworthy person outside your company who is not to engaged in how you decide for feedback.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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