Ten rules of active listening

Our ability to listen shows the people we communicate with that we appreciate them. It helps us to learn more than if we just talked. It helps us to build closer relationships with people and also save time and money by preventing misunderstandings. And the good news is that the so-called active listening can be learned. Salesopedia.com summarized the basic rules of active listening.

  1. Look at the person who speaks.

  2. Maintain eye contact (as long as it is comfortable for both parties).

  3. Reduce external distractions and ask the other participants to do the same.

  4. Show that you listen and understand by your reactions.

  5. Concentrate only on what ther speaker says. Do not think ahead about what you will say.

  6. Limit all other internal distractions.

  7. Keep an open mind. Before you decide whether you agree or disagree, wait for the speaker to finish his speech.

  8. If you have not been explicitly asked for advice, do not explain how you solved similar situations.

  9. Even if the speaker criticizes you, let him finish the speech.

  10. Remember that active listening is not about silence. Ask additional questions and paraphrase what you hear.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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