Do you have a bad boss?


Everyone can have a bad boss, the question is how we are able to handle it. Frustration or even desperation can come very quickly in such a situation. Perhaps you are complaining but still feel that you cannot do anything. That is not true. You always have a choice from four options.

1. Change your boss

Even if it does not seem at first glance, it is not impossible. Your boss may not realize how he behaves and he does not want to hurt you. If you think he could accept your comments, think about two or three key issues in his behavior that should be changed. Then, focus on how to 1) formulate it as a request, not a complaint, 2) describe it by actions, not attitudes and 3) explain why the change will be benefitial for both parties.

2. Change your company culture

Changing corporate culture is probably the least likely option, although a lot of people tries it. If you want to try it, start with finding out who has the most influence on corporate culture. Then ask yourself whether these people are open to changes and whethet they have already pushed through some changes in the past. If not, your chances are slim.

3. Adapt to the situation

It does not mean to suffer quietly. The point is to look at the situation as neutrally as possible and determine whether it is acceptable for you. You may find a way to work with your boss or next to him so that your daily work will be satisfactory. It will require greater ability to work independently as well as greater emotional self-control.

4. Leave the boss or company

If it turns out that you cannot change your boss, corporate culture or adapt to it, start to plan your exit. Find ways to move to another job and stay financially viable. Do not tell yourself that you cannot leave. The only other option is to voluntarily remain in an unsatisfactory situation and leave your fate in the hands of others.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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