Brian Tracy: How to better balance your life

If we want to achieve better balance and simplify our life, we have to start by setting our own happiness as the primary goal of our life and then arrange everything we need to achieve the happiness. Brian Tracy, one of the world's leading personalities in the field of personal and professional development, explained how to do it on his blog.

How to find balance

Start by admitting that you voluntarily spend a significant part of your working time doing non-working or marginal activities. Then you feel that you lack the time and you are not able to do your work on time. Nevertheless, the secret of successful work is simple - work when you are at work. If you cathc yourself doing something else, immediately return to work and do not let yourself be disturbed by others either.

How to simplify your life

Learn how to plan each day and week ahead. Remind yourself that every minute of planning saves ten minutes of work. To begin, write down your daily tasks and divide them according to importance on tasks A, B, C, etc. Start each day with the most important task A. When performing each task, pay hundred percentattention to it until you are finished. This work habit will increase your productivity by up to 50%. Think about the rest, too.  Take at least one whole week of holiday twice a year when you will not do your work at all.

How to relax

Sleep seven to eight hours a day. Lack of sleep makes it impossible to concentrate. The result is that we are working on the less difficult and less important tasks which will only exacerbate our stress. Try going to bed an hour earlier and you will see how significant the impact can be.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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