Losing your managerial perspective?


Managers' and leaders' actions affect many people and can have very serious impact on their lives. Leaders should, therefore, never lose perspective so that their actions do not cause disasters. Fortunately, there are warning signs that will alert you that you cannot see the trees for the forest. What are they?

You are trying to get uncontrollable things under control

At the same time, you ignore the things that you can change. Perhaps you are afraid of something big. Admit what it is.

You not perceive the bad news

You are surrounded by yes men who tell you only what you want to hear or sugarcoat the reality. Then you should not be surprised when a disaster occurs suddenly.

You have all the answers but no questions

Whenever you catch yourself saying that you do not have to ask anybody, because you know everything, think again.

You do not want to change anything

Whenever you catch yourself saying that "this is the way something has always been done", think again.

You are too confident

When you feel comfortable at the top, try to look down.

You do not want to burden others with your problems

Anxious efforts to prevent others from seeing your mistakes and your human side may reflect not only narcissistic but even psychopathic behavior.

You are too stressed

You suffer from anxiety, you deal with people abruptly, you have a constantly bad mood... Then you are probably worried about something and you do not want to face it directly.



Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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