What you may not know about procrastination


Even the highest intelligence, energy and creativity cannot protect you from the bad habit of postponing your obligations. If you want to learn not to procrastinate, you should know the particular reasons for this behavior. Fastcompany.com pointed to four interesting facts about you might not know about this habit.

1. Clutter encourages procrastination

Even if you are already advanced in planning your activities, you have an empty mailbox and a sophisticated to-do list, your efforts be wasted because of cluttered workplace. This applies to papers on your desk as well as Internet browser full of bookmarks which "could be useful someday".

2. Careful preparation is self-deception

Constantly preparing to be ready to complete a task is surprisingly simple. It is called creative avoidance. Rather than doing something we prefer talking about it with others, gathering necessary tools etc. Learn not to wait for a perfect situation because it will never come. Your goal should be to move forward.

3. You are not able to make good decisions throughout the whole day

Your ability to make the right decision depends on the strength of your willpower you spend dealing with difficult things. Therefore, make important decisions at the beginning of the day or after an extended break from work-related stress.

4. Identifying priorities is not enough

You have marked an activity as a priority and painted it red in your to-do list. Then, however, you do not pay attention to it either because you are subconsciously waiting for the right time. This is called priority dilution and it is a common problem of managers and high performing employees. It is therefore necessary to consciously work on priorities set the smaller tasksa side for later.


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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