You are a bad manager?


As managers, you have probably already encountered that some people do not like you. That does, however, not mean that you are bad managers. Your task is to implement the corporate vision and it will not always bring you only love from others. If you want to know that you are really not bad managers, make sure that you do not make the following mistakes.

  1. Employees are afraid of you even if they do not know you personally. A bad reputation precedes you.

  2. You are a micromanager. Effective discipline does, however, not come from control but from freedom.

  3. Instead of controlling your stress, your stress controls you. There are, however, no stressful situations, only stressful reactions to them.

  4. You create visible distance between yourself and your team. You, for example, isolate yourself in separated office the doors of which are always closed.

  5. You are not available to your people when they need it.

  6. You do not know your subordinates, their interests and ambitions.

  7. You do not invest in the future of your people in any way.

  8. You manage more downward than upward. Good manager, however, do not just blindly accept tasks from above, he tries to influence his superiors.

  9. You do not tell bad news because of the fear that your subordinates will cease to like you.

  10. You are not able to take responsibility for what happens under your management.

  11. You do not develop your existing knowledge and skills in management.

  12. You are not interested in feedback.

  13. You hide your vulnerability. Vulnerability does, however, not mean low self-esteem, it is a way to show humanity.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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