Managing those who freak out in crisis

Just at the moment of crisis you often find that your colleagues behave quite unpredictably. It is then that managers learn how strong leaders they are. Some people behave in a crisis so that it could have serious consequences on the whole company. It is necessary to manage them in the first place. How do you recognize then?


The panicker

There is nothing worse than a manager who is panicking. Such people are unapproachable, and increase the stress levels around them all.

What to do? Let everyone know that you are aware of their feelings. Inform them that a solution is already being implemented.

The finger pointer

He or she always knows whose fault it is. A crisis is usually not the result of a conduct of one man though.

What to do? When things calm down, organize a meeting. Explain to everyone how to proceed in similar situations, so such problem or the finger pointing does not happen again.

The avenger

Contractor fails to deliver parts. An avenger in a crisis immediately suggests to sue the contractor. They are not at all interested what lies behind the problem, what the causes are.

What to do? Stay neutral. If you stand up for the blamed one, you can disrupt your team pride. The other way you cause more flames in the fire.

The moral contortionist

He proposes solutions that go against your moral code. Often it is the one who disappears just when you need him.

What to do? Preferably avoid direct confrontation. Very clearly emphasize the values and moral code of your company.



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