Most common obstacles in project management


Obstacles appear in every project. Therefore, the way a project manager is able to overcome obstacles is one of the key indicators of the project's success or failure. Project manager should not fail into negativity and complain about the obstacles. He should count with at least the most frequent obstacles and learn to manage them. The Project Times website desribed the most common obstacles in project management as follows.

1. Unclear objectives

Each team should be able to take a step back and remind of the basic objectives of the project. If the team members do not fully understand the meaning of their efforts, they can hardly succeed. Projects are often very complex and, therefore, project managers should look for easier ways. You can mostly achieve the same objective a much easier way than you thought originally.

2. Lack of time to obtain support for a project

Your project needs the support of the project team members, sponsors and senior management. Project manager should therefore invest his time in building enthusiasm for the project and presenting the value of the project in relation to his company's business.

3. Conflict of priorities

The effort to streamline a project often leads to priority conflicts of the various stakeholders. You can prevent the conflicts by repeatedly reminding of the project's objectives. Build the "win-win" philosophy.


Article source Project Times - a US website and community focused on project management
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