What factors influence your personal growth?


There are 9 factors that have a significant influence on how successful you will be in life. Several of them can be trained and improved during our lives, and doing makes our lives more rewarding. These factors have been summed up on his blog by Brian Tracy, American speaker and consultant, who belongs to prominent world personalities in the area of personal and professional development.

1. Education

Modern society rewards those who know more than the average in their given field. Thanks to this they are better perceived, enjoy greater respect and are more likely to occupy senior positions. Therefore, if you want a better life you must know more. The knowledge based part of your job will then have higher value.

2. Skills

Skills in a given profession influence the quality and quantity of work performed. In addition, the better you are, the better you can push yourself forward to achieve a more senior status and position.

3. Contacts

In life it is important to have as broad a network of contacts as possible, and this network should continually expand. Whatever line of business you go into, you will come across people who can open or close doors for you. You therefore need to know as many as possible of those who will be willing to help you.

It is clear from a number of surveys that there is a direct link between the number of people you know and how successful you are.

4. Finance

Money provides a greater degree of freedom and the ability to grasp opportunities when they arise.

If you are in a job that you don’t enjoy, but you don’t have any savings, you have no choice but to stick with it. You can lose months or years when you are forced to accept any better offer that comes along, even if it takes you further from the career you desire. You don’t have the freedom of choice.

5. Good work habits

Good work habits enable you to achieve a lot more during your working hours than a person less skilled at organising their work.
Important here is the ability to think first, and then act. Make a list of tasks and set priorities. When doing this take into account the potential positive and negative consequences of all your actions, including your priority schedule.

6. Positive thought

By consciously deciding to take a positive attitude you will be able to achieve your goals much faster. Naturally things seem easier when they go well. It is, however, down to you to find the positives in demanding situations, and identify activities that will keep you charged with positive energy.

7. Positive image
People’s impression of you will be formed by your appearance. You may be surprised by how much your appearance and choice of clothes will affect the way people treat you.

8. Creativity

Creative people continually look for new, better, more effective and generally more suitable ways of performing work. Sometimes it just requires one clever idea to change your entire life.

9. Character
Perhaps the most important factor for the future success of an individual is his or her character. Self-discipline, politeness, honesty and trustworthiness – these all influence the people you meet and the relationships you form. When people get to know and trust you they will be comfortable to let you handle everything, whether managing the accounts or ordering flowers for their wife.


Source: http://www.briantracy.com/blog/personal-success/9-success-factors-moving-forward-to-achieve-your-best-life/?lid=title

Article source BrianTracy.com - Brian Tracy's official blog
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