Golden rules of networking


Networking does not have to be a trauma or a waste of time for you. came up with ten rules of networking to follow while building new contacts so that you can dramatically improve your success and get rid of the aura of fear.

  1. Keep all the tools to be used in networking with you.

  2. Be sure to specify in advance how many people you want to meeti at a specific event and keep the goal.

  3. Do not act as a guest but as a host. Offer your assistance to the event's participants.

  4. Let the other side to speak first and listen carefully.

  5. Do not try to directly enter into an agreement. Networking is used to connect and it is only the beginning of any collaboration.

  6. Stick to the rule that if you help others, they will help you. Give references and share interesting information.

  7. Always ask for two business cards - one for you and one for someone else to whom you will give it.

  8. Effectively plan your time. Give each contact approximately ten minutes and do not waste time just with your friends.

  9. Write notes on the other side of the business cards. Write down what you found interesting on a new person and use it for further communication in the future.

  10. Follow up on the new contacts. Contact them by phone or e-mail and deliver everything you promised when you met.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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