From employee to manager


You have finally achieved your coveted promotion to a management position. How are you going to settle in to this new role as quickly as possible and actually become a successful manager? First of all don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the same skills that made you a successful employee will also make you a successful manager. Then follow the recommendations given on the website

Get to know your team well

A good leader must like people and know how to get the best from them. Therefore, get to know your team as quickly as possible and also give them the opportunity to get to know you. However, be careful about mixing friendship with work relationships. At work you should always be professional and any problems with individuals should be dealt with alone.

Get to know your new responsibilities

Start by becoming familiar with the goals and targets of your department, what your predecessor was criticised for, and what needs to be improved. Also pay attention to how your performance will be measured. In advance set expectations for yourself and your team for the first 90 days.

Take advice

No one will expect you to know how to do everything immediately. You have a circle of experienced experts around you; make use of them and ask questions. Surround yourself with the best of them, those you can trust, and learn to delegate. However, becoming a manager doesn’t mean you won’t have to work yourself. Actively contribute to the work of the team.

Switch off from stress

Find activities that will help you to relax after hard days at work. Take advantage of all your available free time. A new manager also has a responsibility to the team to remain fresh and focussed on the common work.


Article source Easy Small Business - management tips for small businesses
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