Directive leadership style is only for beginners


Every leader should be both manager and coach. While the managerial style of leadership is more directive and better for addressing specific cases (eg. crisis situations), the coaching style works best for developing employees who do not need a strict direction. Between these two styles there is another key leaderships skill - delegation.

So, when to use these different styles? advises:

Be directive if an employee has only low or average knowledge and skills to complete a task. It may be a new, starting  employee or an employee who was newly assigned to a particular client. Clearly specify what, how and when to do and give him the necessary tools.

Delegate if an employee has average to high knowledge and skills to complete a task, he is experienced and confident. Consider how the result should look like together and then let the employees to choose his way to achieve the result. Watch interim results and offer potential help.

Develop if an employee has high knowledge and skills to complete a task, he has extensive experience and enthusiasm. Let him try new techniques. Show your recognition for successfully fulfilling a task and prepare other challenges for him.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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