Other mistakes you make on LinkedIn


We have already covered the topic of unnecessary mistakes on the professional social network LinkedIn several times. However, since it is a hot topic a variety of professional servers comment, let's have a look at other missteps that can spoil you professional presentation on LinkedIn. This time, they were published on Inc.com.

1. You use LinkedIn only when you look for a job

Your professional reputation should be built by continuously updating your profile and network of contacts rather than incremental changes.

2. You have not completed your profile

Incomplete information in your profile looks unprofessionally. Fill in all your important previous work experience and think about search engine optimization, too. - Use key words for your industry.

3. You are not a member of the discussion groups from your industry

There is a plethora of groups on LinkedIn and therefore it takes a while to find out which of them are the most important in your industry. Your portfolio should, however, definitely include your alumni groups and groups from the industries you and your customers operate in.

4. You do not share interesting information

When you find an interesting article from your industry or even write one yourself, add a link to LinkedIn for your network of contacts to see it. Gradually build the position of a thought leader in your community.

5. You do not build your network

This is a step by step process as well. Continuously expand your network by adding people you meet, do not accumulate unknown contacts.

6. You do not use LinkedIn Answers

LinkedIn Answers represent another place to prove your knowledge in your industry. Users can ask questions  from different fields here and you should watch the yours.

7. You have not added your colleagues

Your contact list should include your colleagues from the companies you worked in.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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