How not to destroy your career on social networks


Employees who are active on social networks are willy-nilly representatives of their organizations in the online world. Even when they are using their own names and their private profiles, they bear some responsibility for the reputation of the employers (even if the employer himself calls them to promote him on their private profiles). In the Czech Republic, you could see an example of how dangerous informal communication on social networks can be in recent case of Air Bank's spokesman layoff. He lost his job because of publishing a photograph of his colleague's bottom on his private account on Twitter.

So, how to to avoid damaging your employer's brand and your own career while social networking? The PR Daily webiste advises:

Do not be vulgar

Although the media around you are full of vulgarity, keep a decent language.

Publish only what you will not be ashamed for in the future

Even if you delete an ill-considered tweet or status, nobody can guarantee that everyone has not already read it and that there is not eg. a screenshot of it.

Keep in mind your boss and family

If you are going to publish something that would not please neither your boss or wife and mother, think about it again. Do not attack anyone and refrain from comments you might regret.

Think about possible scenarios

Before you send out a controversial message, thoroughly consider what can be follow and what you actually want to achieve.

Do not mix work and play

If you want a place to safely express your private views and share private experiences, establish it on Facebook. And consistently make sure that your network of friends includes only people you really know. Still, avoid too controversial topics.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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