Yesses and Nos for effective brainstorming


Your team is faced with the task of finding a creative solution to a certain problem that your customer is dealing with. Whether this customer is someone from the company or outside of it, you will probably hold a brainstorming session in order to find the best way. But the question is whether you can handle brainstorming in the right way so that it is useful.

The website therefore came up with recommendations for using brainstorming to generate truly beneficial ideas as well as for what to avoid so that you don’t kill these ideas right at the start.



1. Get ready

Make sure that all participants know the problem in advance and that they come to the brainstorming session with solution ideas.

2. Encourage the sharing of ideas

Encourage all participants to share anything interesting, even provocative, that comes to their minds in connection with the problem solution.

3. Make sure the facilitator facilitates

The facilitator should move the brainstorming forward by asking questions, giving space to speakers, following up on what was said and keeping the discussion aligned with the most important topics.

4. Find a creative environment

Get out of the traditional meeting room environment and find a more open area. If you don’t find it in the company, go outside.

5. Bring props

Take your client’s products or at least pictures of them, or various pictures and items that may be related to the solution you’re looking for.


1. Don’t let just one or two participants speak

Make sure that everyone participates actively. The facilitator should ask each participant in turn.

2. Do not denigrate anyone’s ideas

Stick with the motto that every idea counts. Do not interrupt anyone by saying that their idea is stupid. The facilitator should make sure that the group considers all ideas.

3. Don’t come with your mind already made up

If you have an idea that you believe is strong, offer it up for discussion. Be interested in the ideas of others.

4. Don’t argue by saying that the client wouldn’t like the proposed solution

The goal of brainstorming is to find new ideas and bring new solutions to clients, not just copy what they already know.

5. Don’t be too long

Brainstorming shouldn’t last for more than an hour. The facilitator should observe the group and end the session before the discussion is exhausted or is diverted to completely different topics.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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