How not to fall in stress among opposite personalities


Are you an introvert among extroverts or an extrovert among introverts? How to fit into the environment of opposite personalities and how to cope without stress? Answers to these questions were published by

Introvert in an extroverted environment

Don't expect extroverts to know how to communicate with you. For example, they will require you to answer their questions immediately while you will need some time to consider the answers. Prevent this by openly explaining that you need some time to think. Teach your surroundings to provide you the materials you need for important decisions in advance. In very busy days when you are in intensive to contact with others be sure to plan breaks during which you can be only with yourself and your thoughts.

The first warning signs of excessive stress on introverts show in the form of strengthening their typical behaviour - an even greater social isolation. If you don't solve this problem, they will turn into extreme extrovert reactions such as explosions and other public expressions of emotion.

Extrovert in an introverted environment

You must learn to listen and provide feedback better. Don't think about what you are going to say but fully concentrate on what others say. If you have a tendency to jump from one topic to another in your thoughts, practice visualization. Always visualize on idea in broader detail before moving to another. In a very busy days when you do a lot of work alone recharge your energy at lunches with your friends or colleagues and evening social events.

The first warning signs of excessive stress on extroverts also lie in strengthening of their normal behavior. Therefore, you may become too critical and harsh on the people around you. If it takes too long, you start to behave more like an introvert and isolatze yourself from the society. Watch your behavior and ask your colleagues to watch you too. This of course applies to introverts as well.


Article source Training Magazine - U.S. professional development magazine
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