Eliminate chaos from your everyday work


Most managers are looking for new and new ways to save time in order to fulfill their increasingly demanding objectives. One such way lies in conscious striving to eliminate chaos from their everyday working life. Openforum.com described this process using the following ten steps.

1. Realize when to calm down

Introverts know when they need to calm down and rest very well. Extroverts should specifically develop this skill to make their life calmer.

2. Calculate financial value of your time

Calculate the hourly price of your work and then quantify how much money it takes for you to spend your working time on social networks or by other unnecessary activities accordingly.

3. Don't underestimate preparation for presentations

Even if you have long experience with presentations, never underestimate preparation. Always clarify what the participants should carry out of your presentation in advance and adjust the preparation for the presentation not to be too long and not to move away from the topic.

4. Learn how to recover corrupted files in PowerPoint

Avoid situations where you find that the file with your presentation cannot be opened and you cannot do anything with it as late as at the beginning of your presentation. Just to be sure, always print the presentation on paper.

5. Manage your energy, not your time

Always fully concentrate on a specific task. Remove all potential sources of distraction and complete the task as quickly as possible. Then take a break and fully concentrate on the next task.

6. Prepare an outline for every call

Make a list of key points to speak about. Speak to the point and offer a brief summary of the decisions made at the end of each call. Prepare a message to possibly leave in voice mail in advace, too.

7. Don't look for more information all over again

Admit that you can never get all the information. Your research should not stretch to infinity and unnecessarily delay your decisions.

8. Don't breathe down the other's neck

If you work overtime just because you feel a need to check the work of others, stop with it. Focus your concentration on your priorities and allow others to learn how to work more independently.

9. Consider training in process management

If you still lack a formal process for managing your company or department, try training suh as Six Sigma and subsequently apply the principles of process management.

10. Come everywhere on time

Carefully plan your time to wait for meetings, appointments or transport. You will then be able to handle your e-mails, plan other activities or just sort your thoughts in peace. When you get everywhere in the last minute, you will hardly get rid of the chaos in your life.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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