Find your simple ritual to relieve stress


Everyone should find their own way of relieving stress. But including an anti-stress ritual into your daily routine requires time and effort. That is why the website brought simple and practical tips that can help you get started.

1. Breathe deeply

Deep breathing calms the nervous system. Breathe in and out for at least four seconds. If you repeat this exercise ten times, your mind and body will calm down.

2. Sing

If sitting and breathing deeply is stressful for you, sing or hum. And pay attention to making sure that you breathe through your nose. If you cannot find a suitable place for this in the office, go sit in your car in the parking lot, for example.

3. Drink liquids

Dehydration significantly decreases work performance, which is why you need to drink enough water. Put it near your desk so that you don’t forget to drink.

4. Focus on your body

Divert attention away from your fears and problems and towards your body. Close your eyes for a moment and scan your body from head to toe. Repeat this several times.

5. Surround yourself with photos from your vacation

In moments of increased stress, look at them, close your eyes and imagine that you’re on vacation. Focus on taking this in through all your senses.

6. Create rituals out of routine everyday activities

When making your coffee in the morning, focus fully on the sounds, aromas and the overall feelings in the preparation. A daily ritual like this will calm you more than you would think.

7. Laugh out loud

Humor is a very strong weapon in the battle against stress. When we’re able to laugh at a certain problem, we disassociate from it emotionally and we are able to deal with it better.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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