10 rules of negative feedback


Negative feedback should be provided in a way that would not demotivate the criticized employee from further work. This is, however, easier said than done. We often make a mistake in the very idea that the purpose of feedback is to tell people how to behave correctly. The real goal is to improve the behaviour of employees to be more beneficial for the whole company. Ten rules for the proper provision of negative feedback were summarized on Inc.com:

1. Criticize less than you praise

A working environment full of criticism is demoralizing. Stick to the rule of providing one piece of negative feedback to seven pieces of praise.

2. Do not accumulate criticism

Do not wait for the "right moment" for too long. Try to respond as soon as possible, ideally in real time.

3. Avoid criticizing others to vent your frustration

You would only achieve a growth of discontent and passive resistance in the team.

4. Do not provide criticism by e-mail

Do not avoid direct confrontation. E-mail is impersonal and also can be sent to the wrong hands.

5. Start with a sincere praise

Effective feedback focuses on the positive things, even though it reveals areas for further personal growth and better results.

6. Find the cause of the problem

Inquire how the person concerned perceives the situation and what he/she wanted to achieve. Thiy way, you can help him/her to find their own ideas to solve the problem.

7. Listen carefully before you speak

Your feedback will not have sufficient weight when the other party would feel that you do not want to listen. Empathy plays a very important role.

8. Ask self-evaluation questions

People usually know themselves where they have problems and how they could the problems be removed. Ask them, therefore, what they could do to improve.

9. Coach the expected behaviour

It is not enough to only say the criticized person what to do. Get inspired in sports and educate yourself in coaching.

10. Be open to feedback

Be interested in the feedback from yourr subordinates including the negative one.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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