What can you manage in ten minutes?


Most people complain that they do not have enough time for all the things they must do. When we, however, have ten free minutes e.g. before an appointment or meeitng, we mostly let this time unused. We think that we would not accomplish anything but that is not true. What can you get done in ten minutes?

Handle ten e-mails

Briefly answer important messages and move or delete the others.

Handle several calls

Arrange one or two meetings, listen to voice messages or leave voice messages to people you are unable to connect with.

Pay the bills

Set up your important payments via Internet banking.

Talk with a colleague

Use the short break to talk with a colleague you have wanted to talk with for some time.

Read something

Browse through your favorite book or the Internet.

Write something

Write a quick report or post a new article on your blog. You'll be surprised what you can write in ten minutes.


Prepare for the meeting that is ahead of you or browse your schedule for the rest of the day.

Evaluate the day

Sit calmly and think what you managed today and what will need to be resolved in the future.

Talk to a live person

Get up from the computer and go for a walk accross the company to greet someone in person and exchange few words with a live person.

Do nothing

Relax to gain more energy for your next work.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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