7 steps to more productive Fridays


Fridays are traditionally the least productive days. The employees have either already left for the weekend in their mind, or they are chaotically trying to finish things that have piled up at the last minute, but they are usually unsuccessful. Yet Friday can actually be the most productive day of the week because it can be used to work on tasks that require an extended uninterrupted period of time. So how can you make your Fridays more effective? The American consultant, publicist and author of the successful book Time Management Ninja Craig Jarrow offers the following advice:

1. Do not read emails

Many companies have already implemented a “No Email Fridays” policy with great success.

2. Do not hold meetings

Reserve at least one day every week on which no meetings will be scheduled. Fridays are especially suitable for this.

3. Don’t be negative

Conversely, be positive at the end of the week. Do not complain, do not gossip, and avoid the people who do these things.

4. Do not make telephone calls

Instead of making telephone calls, speak to people in person, or at least use video calling.

5. Limit all interruptions

Find a place where you can work uninterrupted. And let your colleagues know that you do not wish to be interrupted.

6. Leave Friday for just the important things

Focus on creative work or on work that requires an extended period of time without interruptions. Deal with unimportant paperwork some other time.

7. Leave earlier

If your company allows, finish your work and go home earlier.



Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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