How to be a true team leader

The team leader role has changed in recent years. Whereas not long ago team leaders were responsible for a group of people sitting at their desks near them, today leaders manage teams that are made up of people from various departments, organizations and even parts of the world. More often these people are brought into teams to work on projects based on their experience and expertise rather than on the basis of previous cooperation. If managers are to successfully build and manage today’s teams, they must be true leaders. The HR Magazine website brought practical tips for becoming one.

First clarify the goals

Without clear goals you cannot find the right people for your team. A missing strategy at the beginning will come back to haunt you. That is why you should start by preparing a list of the required skills for your team and searching for the right combination of evaluation tools for finding the right combination of skills, personalities and behaviors.

Build a culture of open communication

All members of your team should have the opportunity to come forward with their ideas and opinions and discuss them with the others. You yourself should be able to admit that you do not know the answers to all questions and allow your people to help you.

View conflicts as opportunities

As teamwork develops, there will be conflicting opinions on which problems to deal with and how to function well individually and as a team. Your task will be to preserve the constructive nature of these conflicts. Teach your people to be open to the opinions of others and to know how to listen and handle their conflicts without your direct intervention.

Be a role model with your positive attitude

Whether you like it or not, you are and will be a role model for your subordinates. So if you are demotivated, you cannot expect anything else from them either. Especially in difficult and high-stress times maintain a positive attitude and be interested in the needs of all your subordinates. Demonstrate recognition of their work. There are many ways of doing this and many of them are free.

Do not avoid your responsibility

Leaders must accept the fact that they will have to make complicated decisions. They should also feel a commitment to their responsibility to bringing people together, supporting the development of creativity, helping with personal growth, increasing productivity and improving collaboration.


Article source HR Magazine - a leading British magazine and website focused on HR
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