Do you know how to earn respect?


Respect is a management tool that no manager can go without. According to Geoffrey James of the website, if you wan to earn it, you need to meet the following six conditions:

1. Be yourself

People will soon recognize if you’re pretending to be something or someone, no matter what you are pretending. Being authentic is therefore the first prerequisite on the way towards respect.

2. Be interested in other people

Really listen to what they are telling you. If you don’t make it clear that you are interested, you will not learn anything about the people around you or about how you can improve so that you can help others more.

3. Maintain discretion

People will only turn to you with trust if they know that you can keep a secret.

4. Become an expert in a certain segment of your field

Choose a segment that you enjoy and that you are interested in and try to learn as much as possible about it. Constantly learn and build the position of a respected expert.

5. Help others

Help other people achieve their goals. View every project as a service to customers, colleagues, subordinates and bosses.

6. Learn how to set boundaries

And stick to the boundaries that you set. The stronger the boundaries that you learn to set for yourself and others, the more respect you’ll earn.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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