Brian Tracy on building successful teams


The flattening of corporate hierarchies has significantly reduced the number of opportunities to quickly move up the career ladder in recent years. The satisfaction coming out of promotions has therefore been replaced by the sense of teamwork to achieve critical business goals. According to the U.S. speaker and consultant Brian Tracy, one of the world's leading personalities in the field of personal and professional development, building successful teams requires to meet the following six conditions.

Sharing objectives

Each team should begin by ensuring that everyone understands what the team has to achieve together. Each team member should be able to come up with ideas on how to accomplish each objective in the best possible way.

Sharing values and principles

The best teams regularly discuss the values, principles and behaviours that drive decision-making in the team. The team leader should lead by example of the values such as honesty, openness, accountability, quality of work, etc.

Sharing plans of activities

Gather around a table and let all team members talk about what parts of the work they are responsible. The aim of these discussions is for the whole team to know who is doing what and how the work of the individual members fits into the whole team's work.

Clear role of the leader

Democracy in a team can only work to a certain extent. Each team, therefore, needs a strong leader who will have the final word and who will set the example.

Evaluating the success of the team

Regularly review the progress of the team from two perspectives. First, see if it achieves the results your customers and your company expect from you. Then ask yourself whether you have mechanisms to can ask your customers how satisfied they are with you.

Sharing ideas

The team should also meet regularly to share information on how who is doing, what is going on in the company and the what ideas come to your employees minds in relation to the current events.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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