Pomodoro and other tips for better concentration and productivity


Do you feel that you have some gaps in how to maintain focus on your work? Then it is time to actively teach your brain that fun comes only after work is done. Practical tips on how to maintain focus and productivity were published on the Open Forum website.

Forget about your cell phone and the Internet

If you need an undisturbed period of time to concentrate on certain activities, turn off your cell phone and the Internet. Stick to the "out of sight, out of mind" rule. Ideally, leave the cell phone in another room and install a software that will block your access to the Internet on your computer. Rather listen to a pleasant music, but without lyrics.

Keep a list of your tasks and find an external force to urge you to meet your goals

Learn to regularly use a pencil and paper, to write the new and cross out the completed tasks. If you need a certain pressure to force you to fulfil your goals, find it. You can ask a colleague to urge you constantly or determine a specific goal and push yourself individually. It will help you if you state your goal publicly and a lot of people would know about it. Always determine a specific date, otherwise you will postpone your goal to infinity.

Learn the Pomodoro technique

Pomodoro is a time management technique that originated in the 1980s. It lies in an intense concentration on a specific task within time blocks of 25 minutes, between which there are 3-4 minutes break. After every fourth 25-minute block, a break of 15-20 minutes follow. You can find more information on this technique e.g. here.

Learn the "Don't break the chain" technique

This technique was popularized by the U.S. comedian Jerry Seinfeld. It consists of determining a goal and taking a daily progress towards this goal. Take your calendar and mark a cross every day when you do something for your goal. Your goal should be to continue day after day - do not break the chain of crosses. You can find more information on this technique e.g. here.

Find your office

Consistently separate your work space from the space you have for your family, fun and everything else not related to your work. If you telecommute and do not have funds to rent an office, use public libraries, cafés, co-working centers etc.

Generally, you should always work only on one thing at a time. And not to set unrealistic goals.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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