Introvert's guide to personal brand building


Even introverts realize that the path to a successful career requires the art of building professional relationships within a particular field. In practice, however, they rather fear the development of relations with their surroundings and follow the idea that when they prefer to be alone, they are doomed to a mediocre career. And this is wrong. According to, introverts can build their personal brand in the following ways.

1. You do not have to impose your accomplishments on everybody you meet. Start by making sure that the key people in your surroundings know that you exist and what you are dealing with.

2. If you have some ideas for possible improvements in your organization, talk about them with your supervisor. You do not have to present them immediately in front of all your colleagues, pre-arrange a personal meeting and well prepare for it.

3. Try to consciously focus more on your achievements than on your weaknesses. Introverts tend to be constantly thinking about their imperfections, which only unnecessarily increases their doubts about their own qualities.

4. Do not avoid social events but prepare well in advance to make yourself feel better. Focus on possible ways to start a conversation with strangers. Find common topics in advance.

5. If you feel more comfortable in the online world, start networking on social networks such as LinkedIn and Twitter.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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