How to survive a Christmas party


In many companies, this year's Christmas party is held just before Christmas - on Friday, 21st December. And there are even companies which are, due to an excessive workload at the end of the year, going to organize the "Christmas" party for their people in the quieter January. All those who have their Christmas party still ahead of them should read the following reminder of what to avoid if you want to survive the celebration with your colleagues in good health - both physically and mentally.

Beware of these faux pas

  • Do not hug your superiors like you were friends and you could advise them how they should manage their business or department.

  • Do not show your new tattoo or any other part of your body that should remain hidden to your colleagues.

  • Do not start collective drinking of shots.

  • Do not tell your colleagues what you really think about them.

  • Do not brag about how great you are because someone secretly promised you a promotion.

  • Even if people tell you that you have a beautiful voice, do not sing.

  • Do not continue working.

  • Do not approach HR workers with complaints about your colleagues.

  • Do not complain about the food, drinks, music or your boss. Just have fun.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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