6 steps to a better relationship with your boss


Is it your New Year's resolution to improve your relationship with your boss? Then you could find useful the following practical tips on how to achieve this without becoming champions in what the Czechs call the "anal alpinism". In addition, the tips will help you in your own personal development. Career coach Chrissy Scivicque advises on usnews.com:

Do something extra

Show your goodwill and don't limit yourself purely on what is written in your job description. If you meet a deadline a little earlier or voluntarily do something extra, your superiors will notice. When you learn to anticipate their needs and you will not always wait until they tell you what to do, it will be a pleasant surprise for them, too.

Improve in something

Find an area in which you can improve and wich will at the same time have a significant impact on your team and the company. Show that you can improve the quality of what you are doing, reduce costs or increase work efficiency.

Be positive

Negative people are all around. You should, therefore, rather concentrate on the positive side of the situations you get in. Problems are inevitable and you should rather come with solutions than complain. Before you go to ask your boss what to do, try to propose your own solution. The more you make the life easier for your boss, the more it will get easier for yourself.

Try to be more personal

Every man has his personal life outside work and maybe you have more in common with your boss than you know. Therefore, don't lose out the situations with an opportunity to get to know our boss better on the personal level. Remember, for example, the names of his children or what football team he is a fan of. Then you can communicate on a more personal level.

Don't waste his time

Try to be more independent. If you can decide on something, do it yourself. If you don't know something, try first to find the answer yourself first. And inspire your colleagues to do the same.

Don't place your boss in the mediator's role in your disputes with colleagues

If you get into a conflict with a colleague, always try to resolve the situation yourself first. The more you behave like an adult, the more respect you will get from your superiors.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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