Top 10 articles on Management News in 2012


What managerial topics stirred the world - or at least the Czech Republic - in 2012? According to the readers of, it was time management, searching paths to a professional success, employee management and communication. This follows from the overview of the most read stories of the year you can read below.

In the most read articles, you can find mainly practical advice for the development of soft skills and interesting inspiration from abroad. Let's, therefore, recall the most popular articles:

  1. Ten relible ways to waste your working time

  2. How to train your brain to positive mind-set

  3. 9 things that successful people do and others don't

  4. How exceptional bosses think

  5. How to leave the office on time?

  6. 3 biggest people management mistakes

  7. 7 nonverbal communication mistakes

  8. 9 direct ways to lose employee morale

  9. What are the most common mistakes when giving presentations?

  10. The biggest feedback mistakes

Which topic do you think was the most important one in management in 2012?



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Top 10 articles on Management News in 2012


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