Ten rules for successful change management

1. Find a change leader

Clearly define who is responsible for making the changes planned. Choosing and supporting this person are the most important parts of a successful change plan.

2. Predict where you will meet with resistance

The project team in charge of carrying through the change (new process, technological or organisation structure) should consider in advance the impact the change has on the target public and predict areas in which it will come up against resistance.

3. Create a coalition of leaders

Change leaders generally help other leaders put changes in place. Cooperation is therefore of the utmost importance.

4. Find out who will be affected by the change and how

Clarify how individual people, their roles and everyday work at the company will be affected by your change. Move among them and speak to them. Focus on the direct and indirect influences of the change.

5. Find out who or what stands in your way

Find out who is in favour of the planned change, who is against and who has no clear opinion. Those who support you will help you find positive sides to the change that you might not realise at first glance and win over others.

6. Adjust the change implementation plan according to what you discover

Do not be rigid. Although the aim of the change is given, there is no set journey there to get there. Change leaders should draw on the theoretical plan and on what they find out in practice.

7. Determine how to know that a change is underway

Determine criteria in advance to help you follow how successful change implementation is. Describe the expected processes and behaviour.

8. Provide information on how the change is going

Share information on how successfully the change is being made. Positive information will help you a great deal within your project team and with the end users of the change.

9. Think about what a particular change means for you personally

Think about how the planned change will affect your life and the lives of those around you and about what it will bring your career. An emotional connection will help you in troubled times.

10. Develop your change management skills

As with every other skill, here too you need to learn through practice. You should, therefore, seek out ways of improving your skills.


Article source Monster.com - a global online employment portal
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