Hard work does not have to result in burnout

Stress is a regular part of everyday work. But that is why we should not overlook it; we should learn how to manage it. If you would like to be inspired by how to be a workaholic and not be stressed, read the following practical tips. They were published on the Inc.com entrepreneurship website by experienced manager, coach and author of popular management articles Steve Tobak.

1. Work to the limit only when you have to

Times you work to the limit should alternate with times when you rest more. If you work to the limit for more than several consecutive months, you’ll get into trouble soon.

2. When you can’t figure it out, give up

If you’re in too much stress and nothing sensible is coming to your mind, don’t force yourself to come up with something right here and now. Get out of the office and go for a run, for example. Maybe you’ll get the best idea when you’re in the shower or in bed, basically when you relax.

3. Remind yourself of the broader context

Take a step back and try to look at your everyday work from a broader, more strategic perspective. For example, go for lunch with your team and talk about your strategy and plans. This will energize you for future efforts.

4. Mix work with pleasure

When you and your team are going through a stressful time, go for a dinner or drink together. Relax while doing something you all enjoy. You will be rewarded with improved work ethic and therefore also increased work productivity.

5. Don’t leave anything for the last moment
How many times have you regretted that you did not do something sooner? If you prepare things early enough, you’ll feel much better.

6. Don’t take anger out on the people around you

This goes for co-workers as well as for family and friends. In both cases you would just be alienating them from you, which makes no sense. Find your own methods for getting rid of stress without taking it out on the people around you.

7. Pick your own ways for dealing with stress

Some people prefer taking walks in nature, exercising, meditating… Other people feel better if they can talk to somebody. Search for what works best for you. Above all, don’t ignore the symptoms of long-term burnout.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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