13 tips on how to improve in your work in 2013


Have you entered the new year with the desire to improve in your work? Then you can get inspired by the following tips from Forbes.com on what to concentrate on.

1. Anticipate the needs of your department

Search for opportunities how to improve your department. Do what you can do yourself.

2. Communicate more with your boss

The more you interact, the more you learn about yourself from both the professional and personal point of view. The better you will also work together.

3. Think positively

Believe in yourself and in your work. Perceive problems as interesting challenges.

4. Watch what is happening in your industry

Your industry is constantly evolving and you should evolve it. You can learn new trends in professional journals, on the Internet, through professional organizations or conferences.

5. Come with solutions

Try not to address your superiors only with problems but to propose solutions directly.

6. Find a mentor in the company

Look around and choose someone you respect and from whom you would like to learn. You don't need to formally ask the person to be your mentor, just keep in touch and watch.

7. Develop your communication skills

Try to be as open as possible and don't be afraid of confrontation.

8. Don't forget about yourself

If you are constantly exhausted and you set unrealistic goals, slow down. You will see that it will be good for yourself as well as your surroundings.

9. Offer to volunteer in a different business unit

If you have a chance to work on a special project in a different business unit, use it. Working with other teams will expand your horizons of the operation of the company and the people in it.

10. Feel the wider context of your work

Pay attention not only to what you do but also to what your colleagues and superiors are doing. The better you understand the broader context of your work, the better you will be able to perform it and the better position for possible promotion you will get.

11. Constantly educate yourself

Find areas you want to develop in and start developing - either with or without the help of your employer.

12. Learn to ask

Don't be afraid to ask about what you are interested in at work. When it provokes further questions, it will be fine.

13. Keep all your promises

Fulfil your commitments in an adequate quality, within a specified time frame and budget. It sounds as a matter of fact but you certainly know how difficult it sometimes is. Maintaining your reputation as a reliable man is,  however, essential.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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