10 management rules that no longer apply


The times when management was about orders and control are gone. The current trend is more about showing trust and monitoring progress, where people are not told exactly what they’re supposed to do and how, but rather why.

Business Insider presents a list of management practices that are rather out-of-date and compares them with the current trends:

1. Formerly: Micromanagement, the need to control everything.

Today: Empowerment. Allowing a certain loop or recovery zone within which it is possible to make mistakes.

2. Formerly: Management by walking around so that the boss is clearly seen.

Today: Management by observation and listening, conversations with people, implementing ideas and sharing results.

3. Formerly: Attitude – I am the boss, I know everything.

Today: Knowledge of individual team members and trust in them. Choose high-quality people and don’t stand in their way.

4. Formerly: Perfection, zero tolerance.

Today: Learning from mistakes, the ability to admit a mistake.

5. Formerly: The balance sheet is the company’s main driving force.

Today: People drive the company, increase customer loyalty as well as profitability.

6. Formerly: Skills for the given position are enough.

Today: Recruitment of the best people who are willing to do something extra.

7. Formerly: Investments into technologies increase productivity.

Today: Invest into people.

8. Formerly: Requirements change. Be specific as far as what you require and when is concerned.

Today: Care for people changes. People come up with ideas and should be rewarded for that.

9. Formerly: Fried food in company canteens.

Today: A healthy lifestyle in the office.

10. Formerly: Incentives. Give people more money and they will work more.

Today: Reward. Recognition is more important than money.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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