Such people should begin to follow their watch carefully learning to find out how long the things last. For, obviously, their internal clock does not work properly. Once they find out that what they estimated to be 10 minutes actually takes twice as long, they will be also able to plan better.
Inability to plan
Some people simply cannot cope the first few hours in the morning. They wake up late, consequently they are unable to choose the right clothing and then come searching for key…
The only solution is to leave more time for the morning and to prepare all on the day before as best as you can. A moment of preparation saves you a lot of time in the morning.
More work than you can manage
From a meeting you head for the doctor’s then to the sports match of your children plus you have to make a few phone calls. But you are still with your tasks behind. You need some time off. Plan your breaks when you can interrupt your marathon.
Dependence on haste
It is actually an extreme sports game. Some people deliberately wait to set off at the loose because this is what brings a real excitement to them. Some of them even do not know that this is their case.
What you really need is to admit the behavior in order to be able to correct it. The price you pay for it is really enormous. Maybe it is exciting but it is definitely not worth it. For people around you will perceive you negatively. Therefore, accept your responsibility and begin to control your behavior. People around you will certainly appreciate it.