Stop preventing your own personal growth

All activities become routine after a certain period of time. We stop fighting our own unhappiness and lose out on opportunities for further personal and professional growth. The website advises to stop doing certain things and you’ll see how noticeably your day-to-day routine can change for the better.

• Stop keeping your talent to yourself. If you have something to say, start a blog, write a book or make a video.
• Stop being afraid of making mistakes. Have you really not understood yet that even successful people make mistakes?
• Stop working without setting goals and planning tasks.
• Stop avoiding responsibility. Volunteer for new projects.
• Stop being afraid to develop relationships with upper management.
• Stop getting bogged down in excessive details; don’t forget about your larger goals.
• Stop thinking in only a long-term horizon.
• Stop avoiding personal meetings with clients.
• Stop avoiding new things because you fear that they’ll be unpleasant at first.
• Stop comparing yourself to others; take advantage of your uniqueness.
• Stop fulfilling other people’s dreams with your work, unless they’re your dreams as well.
• Stop being satisfied with merely average results. Don’t you want to be better?
• Stop accepting rejections from people who will always reject you. Focus on people who will not reject you.
• Stop fighting against innovations and try suggesting new and better ways of doing something.
• Stop blaming others. Your future is in your hands.
• Stop burning bridges. You never know which connection will be useful for you.
• Stop doubting yourself. Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.
• Stop breathing down the backs of the people around you. Nobody can work effectively with you standing right behind them.
• Stop surrounding yourself with people who bring you no inspiration.
• Stop resisting criticism, use it as an opportunity to improve.
• Stop drowning in the past. Learn from your mistakes and focus on future success.
• Stop thinking that you know everything better than others do.

So what do you think you should stop doing?


Article source - inspiration and education for Career, Personal Finance, Investments and Retirement
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