I am not incompetent, I just don't have time


Organizationally incapable people often delude themselves into thinking that they are just too busy and cannot do anything about it. Then they come up with reasons to justify this inability and therefore lie to both themselves and others. So firmly are less organizationally savvy individuals being evaluated by Craig Jarrow, American consultant, columnist and author of the successful book Time Management Ninja.

This time, Craig Jarrow described on his blog ten typical phrases we can hear from people who don't know how to properly organize their time. If you use such phrases yourself, you should definitely not believe them. They are just excuses and the sooner you realize it, the sooner you can start working on your organizational skills.

  1. "I'm too busy."

  2. "I just don't have time."

  3. "I'm overloaded."

  4. "The mess on my desk is not a mess, I know exactly where everything is."

  5. "I'm late because I was delayed by something."

  6. "Someone else prevents me from doing my job."

  7. "I didn't receive your e-mail."

  8. "I'll do it by tomorrow."

  9. "I'll get back to you."

  10. "I'll send it immediately."


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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