How to be happier at work?


Your job does not have to be only a necessary evil. Just follow a few principles and you can feel happier and more satisfied. Remember that the only person responsible for your happiness is you. That is at least what Geoffrey James, popular author of management tips, writes about on He recommends the following principles:

  • Don't waste your time and motivation on comparing yourself to others.

  • Don't worry about the things you cannot control.

  • Become aware of your personal boundaries you don't want to exceed at work and respect them.

  • Don't promise things you cannot meet.

  • Don't complain that you have less time than others. A day has 24 hours for all.

  • Don't take yourself deadly seriously.

  • Don't waste your energy by hating something or someone. Either change it, or don't deal with.

  • Don't bother with your past mistakes.

  • Don't want to win at any cost in every dispute.

  • Find reasons to laugh more.

  • Don't waste your energy by spreading gossip about others.

  • Don't deal with what other people think about you. You can never know it for sure.

  • Remember that nothing stays the same for a long time - both good and bad things will change.

  • Remove everything that doesn't look good and that is useless for you from your workplace.

  • Be optimistic and believe that the best is yet to come.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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