When should you pick up the phone?

E-mail, chat, instant messaging tools or text messages are quite quickly displacing the phone as a preferred communication tool. Especially representatives of the younger generation prefer writing over calling. However, the phone still has certain advantages e-mail will never have. In the business world, moreover, calling is a part of the etiquette and there are situations when using the phone is much more efficient than any writing. When, therefore,  should you pick up the phone? Business server Inc.com advises:

1. You need an immediate response

When you send an e-mail, you cannot expect a quick answer. Others will not realize that you want to deal with something immediately until they see your name on their phone.

2. You are discussing something with multiple people at once

Imagine that you write an e-mail and ten people will individually answer it somehow. Communication with more people who cannot meet at one place to discuss an issue face to face is much easier via a teleconference.

3. You are dealing with something that could be misused in writing

You never know who will read something you wrote. A phone call is a more secure solution to address confidential issues.

4. You want to express emotions

Even using emoticons will not ensure that your written message sounds the way it should. If you don't talk to people about complex things personally, they will expect the worst.

5. There is still confusion

Nobody reads long e-mails. If you are dealing with a complex issue, a phone call is faster and allows you to respond to the immediate context.

6. You are going to announce some bad news

If you have to be the bearer of bad news, think of the people who will be affected rather that of yourself. Try to humanize the situation as much as possible, impersonal communication would only make everything worse.

7. You have some important news

Even though your news is good, try to announce any major news in person. The people who will be affected will probably immediately raise questions that you  would solve for too long in writing.

8. You cannot agree on a date of an appointment

One phone call with a particular assistant is much more effective than exchanging e-mails.

9. Existing impersonal communication leads to conflicts

The longer you exchange written messages, the easier a misunderstanding or a conflict can occur. Once you begin to see something like that, you should resolve the matter over the phone.

10. You Would like to meet in person

If you cannot meet in person but you want to make it clear that you would like to see a person face to face, use the phone. He/she will recognize it better from your voice than from a  written message.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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