Networking is an opportunity, not suffering


In business it is true more than anywhere else, that if you want to succeed, you must know the right people. The art of building contacts is called networking and you should not consider this activity merely as a necessary evil. The more opportunities for the development of professional relationships you use, the more things you can achieve in your business and career. How to do it? Server recommends proceeding as follows.

Clarify your goal

Before any event where you want to develop contacts, think of a goal, with which to come. Maybe you want to meet a particular person, perhaps you're looking for help with a work problem or you may want to highlight your skills ...

Prepare your opening speech

It should not be longer than one minute, and it should clearly communicate, who you are and what you are interested in. Always involve a question of whether you can contact the respective person later. Try to speak briefly with as many people as possible and follow-up the new acquaintance after the event.

Plan networking

Networking should be a regular activity. Include it therefore in your schedule. Plan a few time blocks per month for networking whether it will be face to face, via e-mail or social networks.

Use your excitement

If you do not enjoy what you do, seriously consider whether it is worth to continue. The purpose of networking is to get contacts that can help you achieve your goals and dreams. It's not a mandatory suffering.

Keep a list of contacts

Keep track of who you have met, on what occasion it was and what you talked about. Even if your list is very long, you should always be able to recall who was who. Do not rely on paper business cards. You should better send an e-mail to your new contacts so that you have their contact data in your e-mail inbox.

Do not be afraid of successful people

Take the possibility to meet them personally as a great opportunity. Fear would only spoil everything. Be confident.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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