How to talk to the media professionally


An opportunity to speak to journalists doesn't come every day. Every manager should therefore know how to conduct an interview with a journalist when such a chance comes. Jumping into an interview with the media without preparation can be very tricky. Practical advice on how to prepare was recently published on The business server advises to start by preparing a headline of the story you want to tell. Think about what is the main thing you want to tell and how it can be expressed in more than 12 words. Then, you can say only a sentence and journalists will know what they can expect from you. Additionally, consider the following steps.

  • Find out how long the interview will take.

  • Don't read a pre-prepared text. Don't worry that you have to be perfect.

  • Speak clearly and concisely, without incomprehensible expressions.

  • Respond to journalists' questions even if they ask you about  something you have not prepared.

  • Respond to questions even if they seem trivial or even stupid to you. Use it as an opportunity to show your opinion.

  • If you don't know the answer to a question, rather admit it. Don't make things up.

  • Don't tell a journalist retrospectively that he can't use what you told him.

  • Don't force journalists to contact you through three other people. Give them a direct contact to you.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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