Time to say "thank you" to executive assistants


Many managers still don't realize how important role their assistants play in the operation of their company or department. On the occasion of the so called Administrative Professionals' Day, which falls on 24th April this year and is celebrated in the U.S. for the whole next week, Salary.com asked executive assistants what bothers them the most on their bosses (and they are afraid to say it publicly). The answers are so eloquent that they can definitely offer inspiration for Czech offices, too.

1. Inconsistency

An assistant will strive to do what her boss wants. She can, however, not do it if her boss is constantly changing his requirements without informing her about it. While she can predict many things, she isn't a mind reader.

2. Babysitting

It is a matter of course for assistants to help with their boss' children in case of unexpected events. However, if an assistant should do her job, she cannot look after and entertain the children for the whole days. It is enough for her to babysit the boss from time to time.

3. Family dramas

An assistant has nothing to do with the mood that is currently prevailing in the family of her boss. She should, therefore, not be a target for him to discharge his frustration from home.

4. Disregard

Each boss should make time for at least a few minutes a week for his assistant to go through her tasks and make sure that both of them understand each other.

5. Distrust

Do you really need to check that your assistant has done correctly every detail of her work? Try to give her more trust.

6. Exceeding obligations

Assistants are often asked to do their boss' work, far beyond their own responsibilities. The boss who demands a cup of coffee only from a specific distant shop shouldn't be surprised when his assistant can't manage her really important assignments.

7. Failure to thank

Most assistants complained about the fact that their boss can't say "thanks". They don't demand a higher salary or a promotion but a simple recognition for good work.

Get inspired by your foreign colleagues who celebrate the Administrative Professionals' Day and thank your assistants.


Article source Salary.com - technology leader in providing employee compensation data
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