5 reasons to set up a profile on LinkedIn


More than 200 million people from all over the world currently have their profiles on the LinkedIn professional social network, and these are definitely not just unemployed users actively looking for a job. For, LinkedIn is not just a database of CVs, but also a powerful professional networking tool. Five reasons to be on LinkedIn, though not looking for a job have been summed up by the careerealism.com server.

1. Networking for the future

At the moment you are unexpectedly dismissed, it is already too late to build a network of contacts. When you suddenly start asking dozens or hundreds of people for connecting, LinkedIn may well block you due to your suspicious behavior. In addition, a majority of respondents will ask a legitimate question, what you want from them. You should build your network of contacts gradually.

2. Opportunity to get a better job

Recruiters have been increasingly focusing on passive job seekers. Thanks to your presence on LinkedIn you can be offered a more interesting or better-paid job you would not normally apply for.

3. Professional groups

Groups of professionals from your industry will offer you news and interesting ideas as well as the opportunity to express your opinion and show expertise. It is also an opportunity for you to meet interesting people.

4. Current CV

LinkedIn will invite you to update your profile, so that you always have a current CV at your hand in case you need it.

5. News from your field of interest

LinkedIn Today service allows users to choose topics, from which they want to read the news and have them sent via e-mail. In addition, the service itself will recommend you what might be of your interest.


Article source Careerealism.com - career and job search blog
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